Developing a Rule of Life

A Rule is intended to assist you in regulating your life, clearly identifying and naming the way you choose to live your life. As Christians, we are in this world but not of this world. We may understand how we are to order our lives as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ but, the reality is, we live in a world that is more than ready to tell us how we should live. It is increasingly counter-cultural to live according Christian values. Even within the Church, we are not all in agreement about which values are most consistent with Holy Scripture.

Having acknowledged this, invite God into your process. In prayer, commit yourself to a set apart time to seriously consider your values and goals. You may have to work on this over a period of time, asking yourself one question at a time and waiting patiently until you are able to discern an honest response.

Begin with your primary relationship. How would you describe your relationship with God? What would you like it to be? What do you currently do to foster your relationship with God? What spiritual disciplines can you identify that  might help you in shaping and growing your knowledge, understanding and experience of God.  Make a list of simple sentence responses to these questions.

More questions to come …..

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